In many towns in Spain, in the past and today, what is called the slaughter of pigs is carried out. to see especially in the towns where the winters were cold and there are various considerations when proceeding to make the slaughter.

To achieve the highest quality Of the meat, it must be taken into account if the pig is male or female, this is important since, in the event that it is male, it must be castrated when it is a piglet.

To achieve the highest quality of pork, normally, in the towns, the animals are kept in stables during the fattening period of the animal. These animals are fed with sweet potatoes, and natural products from the garden. In many cases, to avoid this, the animal is purchased at the different slaughterhouses and the tripe is made directly.

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Pig slaughter

Two days before it should be taken into account that the animal should not eat anything, with this the animal's guts will be clean and it will be easier for us to do the mondongo.

Thefire is made with vine shootsthat are collected from the field, many times they are pruned or leftover branches, once the fire is in full Esplendor sacrifices the animal with the help of the butcher who is the one who gives it a puncture in the carotid artery, this puncture in the carotid artery makes a lot of sense since what is sought is that the blood sprouts and with this we deposit it in a container and we move it with a wooden stick to prevent it from coagulating.

Through a hook we hold the pig, so that the slaughterer proceeds with a knife to skin the animal .


We proceed to char the hairs of the skin, once the animal is dead. After this, the skin must be washed to leave it clean, this will always be done with very hot water and with the ground stone.

That the slaughter has been carried out correctly, does not mean that the animal is in conditions to make the tripe, that is why, if we do the slaughter at home we have to take to the vet, proof that the animal is in perfect condition. The vet will need the following tests: One part (the rib), one part (the neck) and another part (the cheek).

After knowing the results that the vet provides us, and seeing that it is not affected and does not have any type of disease, we proceed to the following operations:

Wash the casings well to remove all the dirt they may carry, these casings must be cleaned correctly, so they should be washed with vinegar, salt and flour.

We will work with the dead animal, this animal is often hung or other times it is kept in a basin where the pieces of meat and viscera are extracted.

It is extracted all the meat that will later be ground to make the sausages.


After slaughtering the animal, all the meat must be extracted from it, so all the extracted meat will be separated according to its quality.

This meat will be processed to be ground with a capoladora, this meat, as we have said before, is divided according to its quality, the separated and ground meat is mixed with spices and the next day it is introduced into the guts or intestines. The introduction into the casings is done through the stuffing box.


Depending on the town there are different types of sausages, not all towns make the same ones, we are going to talk about the sausages made in Aragon.< /span>

  • Morcillas
  • Longanizas
  • Chorizos
  • Sausage
  • Salt the hams
  • Preserves


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Black pudding

To make black pudding we start by boiling water in a cauldron over a fogaril or low heat. Later we go on to tie the casings, normally the casings of the large intestine are reserved to make the black pudding since these casings are the widest and largest.

Once this is done, the blood recovered on the day of the slaughter is mixed with spices, sugar, salt, cinnamon, pepper, rice, and whatever is desired. There is a wide variety of blood sausages but normally the most important are those made with rice.

Once that is done, the sausage maker will be used to make the blood sausages.


Ingredients (lean meat, jowls or bacon, white pepper, thyme, oregano, garlic, vinegar, cognac).

Once we have everything, we must previously have capolated the meat, that is, have ground it and later we will use the already cleaned pork casings, casings that we will tie with cotton at their ends to later use the stuffer, once that is done we will fill the casings with the previously named ingredients

In the drying process they must be hang in a cool, dry place with little light.


The ingredients, pepper, sweet red paprika, are mixed with the same meat as for the sausages; add a jet of dry sherry-type wine.

Let the mixture rest for 24 hours and then proceed to stuff the meat as with longanizas.

They are put to dry in dry, cool and dark place.

The red paprika is what gives the chorizos their color.


The leanest meat and peppercorns are used

The casing must be thicker than for longanizas and chorizos

Salt the Hams

Once the hams have been separated from the carcass, they are left to air out in a cool place for 48 hours.

Before proceeding to salt them, we will squeeze them hard to cause all the blood to come out of the areas venous. They are placed upside down and with a large stone on top.

The salting will be done by rubbing both sides of the ham with handfuls of salt, although there are those who rub a cut lemon and then rub it with and pepper powder.< /p>

The pieces are deposited in a cool place and covered with salt, turning them over and checking every two days. Some pieces of weight are also placed on top of each ham. The salting time is 2 to 3 days per kg.

Once the time has elapsed, they are removed and washed with more or less intensity depending on the salting time.

Before hanging the piece to dry, the meaty part of the ham is smeared with paprika and oil.

Later, it is hung in the dryer

The place, the air, the environment is what later it will give the point of identity of each ham.

Another way to salt the hams is to put them in a "salting bowl" with a weight on top so that the blood drains out, turning them, first each 8 days, then every 15.... Wash them carefully so that water doesn't get on their legs and then they are prepared with sweet and spicy paprika. A minced garlic and salt are placed on the legs of the backrests.


The loin and the rib are cut, salted and left for 6 or 7 days.

Put a weight on top to drain it

Fry the pieces with abundant oil

They are kept in jars covered with olive oil, in the old days the preserve was kept in clay tongs covered with frying oil or in a pot and was removed little by little.

You can also preserve the longaniza once it is dry, fry it and put it in jars covered with oil.


Normally in the towns, there are warehouses where the sausages of the mondongo are left to dry, These cellars are cool, dry places with little light, as well as being places in which it is prevented that any type of insect can leave its faeces as this implies that the product goes bad. The drying or curing time depends on the pieces, normally the blood sausages are the ones that have a more extensive drying since they are cooked. At the time of drying the hams, these are usually around 14 and 18 months.

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