
Dried meat made by hand with the best raw materials of deer, wild boar, goat and veal.

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We understand jerky as meat from the loin or legs of the beef or other animal, cured and dried. It is usually presented in thin and narrow slices, although it can also be purchased in the form of a block or in sausage format. At Degusta Teruel we put on your table a variety of options for starters and appetizers that will not cease to surprise diners with their intense flavor. And it is that a good jerky, obtained from the phases that we will describe below, does not have to envy a ham. With its texture, color, aroma and particular taste.

It is a food that is usually presented as beef jerky, however the orography and orography of Teruel and its gastronomic tradition, amplifies that spectrum and offers truly genuine products. In our catalog you will find deer jerky, wild boar jerky, goat jerky and yearling jerky. All of these are produced from animals with natural food, raised in the Serranía de Teruel, which is reflected in its veined meat and its intense taste. Delicious bites with all the flavor of a province.



The origin or antiquity of jerky as such is not defined, although it is traditionally known as Spanish, there are records of primitive forms of jerky in cultures in South America. What is certain is that curing and salting meat is an effective preservation method, which has facilitated mankind the preservation and transport of certain foods throughout history.

Today, jerky occupies starters in meals and tasting plates. It is also used as a nutritional supplement in diets for athletes, as a protein source rich in micronutrients:

  • Vitamin A
  • Type B vitamins
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus


It is a food that León has an identification of protected designation of origin , and therefore there are regulations on its production and marketing. The elaboration of the cured meat consists of a series of phases that follow one another chronologically:

  • Profiling: through this operation the pieces that will be salted are shaped

  • Salty: consists of the incorporation of common salt to the muscle mass, dehydrating the pieces for their preservation. It is carried out in humidity conditions of between 80 and 90% and at a temperature between 2º C and 5º C. It is in this phase that the meat acquires its dark color. The pieces are covered with coarse sea salt. The duration of the salting will depend among other factors on the weight of the meat, each kilo will add time.

  • Washing: In the third part of the process, the meat is washed with warm or lukewarm water. In this way it separates from the salt that has not penetrated and superficially impregnates the piece.

  • Settlement: arrived At this point, the meat is hung exposed to air for 30 and 45 days. During this time, the constitution water is eliminated and the salt is distributed evenly. Enzymatic hydrolysis and the creation of microflora is crucial in this phase, the meat acquires greater consistency for a longer time.

  • Smoked: this phase will take about 2 weeks. The pieces of meat are smoked from oak or holm oak generally.

  • Curing: is the last part of the process, also known as drying, in which the meat is hung in drying rooms, where the humidity and temperature (10º / 12º C) at which the food rests is controlled.

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