History ham Teruel


Talking about ham is going back many years, more than 2000 years since it is known that there was already talk of ham, even in some parts fossilized parts of the ham have been found. It is curious but it is true that everything that is known about ham can be traced back to other years.

Do you want to buy the first designation of origin of serrano ham in Spain? Here it is for you -> Teruel ham

Preparation of ham

Ham is a product that is made in the Mondongo, this product had a lot of boom in the post-war years. In the different towns of Spain, or what is the same, in the so-called rural Spain, food was part of the few needs that there were, that is why families in the towns used to be clear about it in order to survive.

This was the sustenance of the families:

► A few chickens, from which they obtained their eggs and meat.

► Orchards, where they obtained all their vegetables

► The pig slaughter, is the obtaining of the products from the pig

Do you know where the Teruel ham comes from?

In this post we are going to talk about everything related to Teruel ham, its origin and peculiarities. Teruel ham has served, in many cases, as a reef for the Teruel tourism and knowledge of the province

Origin of the Teruel ham?

Teruel ham is designated for being the first ham with a designation of origin in Spain.
In 1997, the European Union would include Teruel ham in the list of European products of special quality.

Where is the ham cured?

Teruel ham is cured in municipalities or towns that exceed 800m, ham from Teruel with natural drying , this is because altitude is essential for the curing process.

Due to Teruel climate, with very cold winters and mild summers, it is achieved that these thermal differences have great properties for the healing process.

Ham drying process?

The drying process of Teruel ham is a natural process, in which the temperatures of the pediatric populations are used to dry in an open window.

What breeds of pigs make up the Teruel ham?

The pig breeds admitted by the D.O. from Teruel are to a great extent, a cross between Landrace and Large white breeds, on the female side. On the male side, the predominant breed is the Duroc.
These breeds allow obtaining dietary quality hams with low cholesterol levels
(levels high in unsaturated fats and low in saturated fats).

Considerations of Degusta Teruel?

Degusta Teruel takes into consideration the craftsmanship and human value of our producers, for this reason Degusta Teruel works with a dryer with more than 50 years of experience, a natural dryer that consists of several generations in the ham curing process.

A company that works on the curing of ham like no one else and we love working with them.

Degusta Teruel is still one of the references of our store , and that you can find at unique prices.

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teruel ham

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