Boletus Risotto: A seasonal dish

In these autumn days when it is so characteristic to go into the mountains of the interior of the peninsula in search of mushrooms of all kinds, we teach you how to make the best use of the boletus that you have been lucky enough to collect.

Boletus risotto is one of those dishes that, when you try it, transports you directly to nature, to a forest full of trees and intense aromas of damp earth. This risotto combines the creaminess of rice with the power of boletus mushrooms, which are also in season right now.

But before showing you the recipe, let's put a little context on this peculiar mushroom and why it is one of the most appreciated mushrooms in most countries of the world.

The king of mushrooms

Before we dive into the recipe, it's important to talk a little about the star of this dish: the boletus. This mushroom is considered a true gastronomic gem by chefs and cooking lovers around the world. Also known as porcini, its firm texture and intense, earthy flavor make it an ideal ingredient for dishes that seek to highlight the richness of natural flavors.

Boletus grow in forests, mainly in Europe, and harvesting them is a tradition in countries such as Italy, France, and Spain. Being a seasonal product, it is common to see them in autumn and winter recipes, where cool weather and hot food go hand in hand.

What makes boletus special?

Boletus is a mushroom that is difficult to find but incredibly delicious. It has a slightly sweet and earthy flavour that accompanies its powerful aroma and adds an umami touch to all recipes.

In addition, boletus provides an unrivalled texture: soft but firm, creating a contrast of sensations in each bite. When cooked correctly, risotto is not only a delicious dish, but also visually attractive, thanks to the golden and brown tones that boletus add to the rice.

boletus edulis


Risotto is a traditional Italian dish whose secret lies in the slow cooking of rice, allowing the grains to release starch, which gives it that characteristic creamy texture. What makes boletus risotto unique is the intense umami flavour provided by the mushrooms, which combines perfectly with the softness and creaminess of the rice.

To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • Arborio rice: Specific for risotto, this type of rice is rich in starch, which gives rise to the creamy texture.
  • Fresh or dried boletus: If you do not have access to fresh boletus, dried mushrooms work very well. You will only need to rehydrate them before using them.
  • Vegetable or chicken broth: This is a key ingredient to add flavour during the cooking of the rice.
  • Onion: Preferably white or shallot, to add a sweet and soft touch to the dish.
  • Garlic: A classic in the kitchen that adds flavour and aroma.
  • Butter and olive oil: Used to cook the ingredients and give the risotto a creamy finish.
  • Grated Parmesan cheese: Essential to give the final touch of creaminess and flavor.
  • White wine: Helps deglaze the pan and adds acidity to the dish.
  • Salt and pepper: To season to taste.
boletus risotto

Step by step preparation

  • Prepare the boletus: If you're using fresh boletus, clean them well to remove any dirt. If they're dried, rehydrate them in warm water for 30 minutes, then drain (saving the liquid) and chop into pieces.

  • Sauté the vegetables: In a large skillet, add a splash of olive oil and a little butter. Over medium heat, sauté the chopped onion and garlic until golden and fragrant.

  • Add the boletus: Add the boletus to the skillet and cook for a few minutes, allowing them to release their juices and aromas. If you're using dried boletus, you can add a little of the rehydration liquid to enhance the flavor.

  • Add the rice: Add the arborio rice to the skillet and stir to coat it with the oil and juices from the boletus. Cook for a few minutes, until the edges of the rice become transparent.

  • Deglaze with white wine: Pour in the white wine and let the alcohol evaporate, while stirring the rice to absorb the liquid.

  • Slow cooking: Now comes the crucial part of risotto: slow, steady cooking. Add a ladle of hot broth to the rice and stir constantly. As the rice absorbs the broth, keep adding more, ladle by ladle, until the rice is cooked al dente. This process can take 18 to 20 minutes.

  • The finishing touch: Once the rice is cooked, remove the pan from the heat and add a good amount of butter and grated Parmesan cheese. Stir until it achieves an extra creamy texture.

  • Season and serve: Taste the risotto and adjust salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot and, if desired, you can garnish with more porcini mushrooms or a little fresh parsley.

Tips and variations

  • Truffle touch: If you want to take your risotto to the next level, add a few drops of truffle oil at the end of cooking. This ingredient pairs perfectly with the boletus and will add an unmistakable aroma to the dish.
  • Vegetarian or not: You can make the risotto completely vegetarian by using vegetable broth. However, if you prefer a deeper flavour, chicken broth is an excellent option.
  • Perfect texture: The risotto should be creamy but with the rice grains al dente. It should be neither too liquid nor too dry.

Boletus risotto is a dish full of flavour, elegance and tradition. It is perfect for a special dinner or to treat yourself any day of the week. Its preparation, although it may require some patience, is simple and guarantees a delicious result. Dare to try it and enjoy the flavours of the forest on your table!

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